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Environmental Policy

Whittlebury Park recognises its responsibility to respect the environment and strives to achieve environmental best practice throughout its business activity without compromising the comfort, standards and enjoyment of our guests.

We believe that everyone has a duty of care for the environment and to seek ways to conserve natural resources. We are conscious of environmental issues and we believe that the pursuit of economic growth can be linked to ecological protection. This is a collective issue which is the responsibility of government, business and the community at large.

Whittlebury Park ESOS
ESOS is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the UK that meet the qualification criteria. The Environment Agency is the UK scheme administrator.
Organisations that qualify for ESOS must carry out ESOS assessments every 4 years. These assessments are audits of the energy used by their buildings, industrial processes and transport to identify cost-effective energy saving measures. To this extent, Whittlebury Park is compliant with ESOS.

In pursuit of our business objectives,

  • We will seek to minimise the wastage of raw materials and energy, and to minimise harmful emissions resulting from our activities.
  •  We will apply all relevant legislation concerning the environment and will actively co-operate with the authorities on environmental protection matters. Where regulations do not exist, we may set our own standards of environmental performance.
  •  We will conduct internal environmental reviews and annually assess our progress towards an improved environmental performance.
  • We will inform our suppliers and contractors of our environmental policies to ensure that the goods and services they provide meet our environmental objectives.
  • We will develop and educate on responsible purchasing methods using where possible local suppliers and only those who maintain ethical practices
  •  We will ensure all new employees are taught about sustainable working practices.
  • We will make our customers and guests aware of our initiatives and we will encourage them to help us achieve our environmental goals.

Our employees will be provided with the information, instruction and training necessary to fulfil the requirements of the policy. Our company’s management and its employees are personally and jointly responsible for the full implementation of policy objectives.
The Health & Safety Manager will implement this policy and report annually on its progress. The policy will be monitored to ensure it is effective and will be regularly reviewed and revised as and when necessary to comply with current legislation.

Whittlebury Park is committed to reducing pollution of the environment through the Park’s actions and other activities, to this end;

  • Whittlebury do everything we can to reduce carbon emissions
  • Whittlebury dispose of and recycle our cooking oil and grease
  • Chemicals are bio degradable and environmentally friendly
  • Whittlebury constantly monitor and ensure minimum safe levels of chemicals are used in our spa and leisure facilities.
  • Whittlebury convert our waste food to bio degradable energy onsite thus reducing our carbon footprint.
  • Whittlebury is a contributing member of the Wildlife Trust, actively preserving many different species of plants, animals, birds and aquatic life throughout the estate.
  • Whittlebury work closely with The Environment Agency regarding upkeep of the many fresh water lakes across the estate, all tested annually. These lakes are used for irrigation and water recycling throughout the year.

Energy efficiency measures adopted
We actively implement measures to reduce our energy consumption and costs.
These measures include:

  • LED lighting has been installed where possible throughout the estate.
  • Energy saving light-bulbs are fitted in public areas and energy saving strip-light reflector fittings are fitted to all training rooms.
  • Car park lighting is fitted with light and time sensors.
  • Hotel gas boilers have been fitted with energy reducing ‘smart programming’ which has reduced gas consumption
  • Heat plate exchangers are installed in plant rooms
  • Spa and pool temperatures are constantly monitored and measured to efficiency levels.
  • All guest rooms fitted with power-off master switches

Waste Efficiency
Activities that are thoroughly established at Whittlebury Park include:

  • Recycling of all glass
  • Recycling of all office paper
  • On-site bailing and recycling of all card and plastic waste
  • Recycling of all waste oils
  • All WEEE is recycled in accordance with regulations
  • Zero waste to landfill
  • Our food waste ‘on site’ is converted into a bio fuel, which in turn was used to heat our hydro therapy pool in the spa. This reduced the amount of gas used to heat the pool, it also reduced the amount of waste disposed off which in turn reduced transport costs which reduced gas emissions and it also reduced the likelihood of vermin which could cause a health issue.

Water Efficiency
Using water more efficiently helps maintain supplies at safe levels, protecting human health and the environment. Therefore its management is essential. Whittlebury Park have implemented water conservation measures to reduce consumption and costs by,

  •  Installing water saving devices in toilets
  •  Urinal sensor flushing systems
  • Restrictors on taps and showers
  • Monitoring and measuring swimming pool clarity to reduce backwashing.
  • Rainwater harvesting system is in place to wash and clean outside areas

Whittlebury Park has over recent years been shortlisted down to the final 10 companies for the National ICAEW Sustainability Awards. This award focuses on policies or projects that positively impact on society and the environment as well as the economy, it also looks for examples of where the organisation has not only changed behaviour internally but is also helping to change behaviour among customers and suppliers. Other notable awards include:
To this end, Whittlebury Park will continue to work towards improving our contribution to the environment.
