
Whittlebury has over 5000 plots available for camping with facilities such as electric hook ups, beer tents, restaurants, LIVE entertainment and showers

Whittlebury is a Platinum Award Standard in Silverstone's Campsite Ratings, the highest rating a campsite can be given by the Silverstone Interagency Campsites Subgroup. The group is made of various members including the Council, Police and Fire & Rescue services, all of which meet on a regular basis to ensure campsites comply with various requirements and standards set by the group. The Silverstone campsite ratings scheme helps visitors to the British Grand Prix and other major events choose campsites that meet set quality standards. 

The ‘Platinum’ rating is reserved for those campsites that not only meet all the health, safety and welfare standards, but also go above and beyond the minimum requirements to ensure that their customers have the best possible campsite experience. Campsites achieving the platinum rating will have stewards, excellent security, and first aid provision, there will be procedures in place to ensure that all campsite facilities are kept clean and functioning throughout the event and the campsite operators will have implemented their fire, health and safety and drinking water plans to a demonstrably high standard.

For more information or to book your plot, you can book online below or alternatively call us on 01327 850490 or email

Please note that if you are bringing a 2nd vehicle then we need to reiterate that the larger plot will allow for this but you must stay within the 7x10m plot allocated otherwise you run the risk of having to park the 2nd vehicle elsewhere and pay an additional fee.

