Wedding Blog

0-3 for Brides to Be

Planning a wedding can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially in the initial stages. As someone who has seen countless couples embark on this journey, I understand the importance of laying a solid foundation for the months ahead. Here are my top tips for brides-to-be as they begin their wedding planning journey:


  1. Set Your Budget Early: One of the first steps in wedding planning should be setting a realistic budget. It's crucial to understand your financial limitations and prioritise what matters most to you. Remember, you'll never regret sticking to a budget that aligns with your financial situation.
  2. Choose Suppliers Who Share Your Vision: Selecting the right wedding suppliers can make all the difference in bringing your vision to life. Hand-picking suppliers who share your excitement and understand your unique style ensures a seamless and enjoyable planning process. Working with trusted suppliers can alleviate stress and elevate your wedding experience.
  3. Create a Wish List: Take the time to jot down your priorities and must-haves for your special day. Whether it's a specific venue, photography style, or floral arrangements, having a wish list helps you stay focused and ensures that your most important elements are given the attention they deserve.
  4. Stay Organised: With the myriad of details involved in wedding planning, organisation is key. Whether you prefer a planning book, spreadsheet, or wedding app, find a method that works for you and stick to it. Keeping track of your budget, vendor contacts, deadlines, and important dates will help you stay on top of things and reduce stress along the way.
  5. Embrace Your Unique Vision: Remember, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to weddings. Don't feel pressured to conform to traditional expectations if they don't align with your preferences. Whether you opt for a child-free wedding, unconventional seating arrangements, or personalised touches, ensure that your day reflects your personalities and values.
  6. Invest in Wedding Insurance: Just as you would insure your home or car, wedding insurance is a must-have investment. I strongly recommend researching and purchasing the right coverage for your big day, especially once your venue and date are secured. Wedding insurance provides peace of mind and protection against unforeseen circumstances, allowing you to focus on creating lasting memories.
  7. Let Go of Stress Over the Uncontrollable: While it's natural to worry about potential hiccups, it's essential to remember that some things are beyond your control. Whether it's inclement weather or last-minute changes, trust that your chosen venue and vendors have contingency plans in place. Embrace the unexpected with grace and focus on the joyous moments of your celebration.


By following these tips and trusting in the process, you'll set the stage for a memorable and stress-free wedding planning journey. Remember, this is your day, and it's essential to savour every moment leading up to it. Happy planning!


Janine Hunt

Head of Weddings

01327 850441

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